School Board
Meet our board members…
Brian Dreher, Board Chair (Email)
Vickie Hasbargen, Vice Board Chair (Email)
Malisa Schue, Board Clerk (Email)
Emily Lindley, Board Treasurer (Email)
Scott Mai, Director (Email)
Jake Hasbargen, Director (Email)
Jeremy Tammi, Superintendent (Email)
MacKenzie Lehn, Northome School Principal (Email)
Alissa Carlson, Business Manager/administrative Assistant (Email)

Notice of School Board Work Session
Notice of School Board Work Session
Notice is hereby given that a work session for the South Koochiching Rainy River ISD #363
Board of Education will be held in person on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025 at 6:00 PM at the Northome School, 11731 Hwy 1, Northome, MN 56661
Notice of Regular School Board Meeting
Notice of Regular School Board Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a regular school board meeting for the South Koochiching Rainy
River ISD #363 Board of Education will be held in person on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025 at
7:00 PM at Northome School, 11731 Hwy 1, Northome, MN 56661

Committees (January 2025):
Community Education: Malisa Schue and Vickie Hasbargen
MSHSL: Scott Mai and Emily Lindley
VoAg Advisory: Scott Mai and Brian Dreher
Continuing Ed: Malisa Schue and Vickie Hasbargen
BRIC: Brian Dreher and Jake Hasbargen
Employee Interview: Emily Lindley and Brian Dreher
North Co. Vo. Co-op: Scott Mai
Negotiators: Emily Lindley and Vickie Hasbargen
MSBA Liaison: Vickie Hasbargen
Northome Scholarships: Malisa Schue
Indus Scholarship Committee: Scott Mai and Jake Hasbargen
Kelliher Athletic Co-op Representative: Emily Lindley
Meet & Confer Northome: School Board Members
Indus Campus Committee: Vickie Hasbargen, Jake Hasbargen and Emily Lindley
Board Book (Meeting Information)
The School Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings take place in the Northome School Library. The link above will take you to meeting minutes and information for current and past meetings.
School Board Meeting Minutes
Click here to view board minutes from the current and previous 2 years.